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时间: 2024-09-21 14:17:54


1. The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest of the world's oceans. 大西洋是世界第二大的海洋。

2. The Atlantic hurricane season typically runs from June to November. 大西洋飓风季节通常从6月到11月。

3. The Atlantic salmon is known for its rich flavor and pink flesh. 大西洋鲑鱼以其丰富的味道和粉红色的肉而闻名。

4. The Atlantic City Boardwalk is a popular tourist destination on the east coast of the United States. 大西洋城木板路是美国东海岸的一个受欢迎的旅游目的地。

5. The Atlantic Monthly is a famous American magazine known for its in-depth articles and essays. 《大西洋月刊》是一本著名的美国杂志,以其深入的文章和散文而闻名。

6. The Atlantic slave trade had a devastating impact on African societies. 大西洋奴隶贸易对非洲社会造成了毁灭性的影响。

7. The Atlantic City skyline is dominated by towering casinos and hotels. 大西洋城的天际线被高耸的赌场和酒店所主导。

8. The Atlantic puffin is a colorful seabird found in the North Atlantic Ocean. 大西洋海鹦鹉是一种色彩斑斓的海鸟,生活在北大西洋。

9. The Atlantic Alliance is an important strategic partnership between North American and European countries. 大西洋联盟是北美和欧洲国家之间重要的战略伙伴关系。

10. The Atlantic City Convention Center hosts a variety of events and conferences throughout the year. 大西洋城会议中心每年举办各种活动和会议。

11. The Atlantic bluefin tuna is a highly prized and sought-after fish for sushi. 大西洋蓝鳍金枪鱼是一种备受推崇和追捧的寿司鱼。

12. The Atlantic Charter was a pivotal document in shaping the post-World War II world order. 大西洋宪章是塑造二战后世界秩序的关键文件。

13. The Atlantic sturgeon is a prehistoric fish that has survived for millions of years. 大西洋鲟鱼是一种已经生存了数百万年的史前鱼类。

14. The Atlantic Ocean is home to a diverse array of marine life, including whales, dolphins, and sea turtles. 大西洋是各种海洋生物的家园,包括鲸鱼、海豚和海龟。

15. The Atlantic Council is a leading think tank focused on transatlantic cooperation and security. 大西洋理事会是一个专注于跨大西洋合作和安全的领先智库。

16. The Atlantic City Expressway provides a direct route from Philadelphia to the New Jersey coast. 大西洋城高速公路提供了一条直达从费城到新泽西海岸的路径。

17. The Atlantic herring is a small, silvery fish that plays a crucial role in the ocean food chain. 大西洋鲱鱼是一种小型、银白色的鱼,在海洋食物链中发挥着至关重要的作用。

18. The Atlantic Ocean is named after the mythological figure Atlas, who was condemned to hold up the heavens for eternity. 大西洋洋名来自于神话人物阿特拉斯,他被判定永远托起天空。

19. The Atlantic City Police Department works to ensure the safety and security of residents and visitors. 大西洋城警察局致力于确保居民和游客的安全和安全。

20. The Atlantic horseshoe crab is a living fossil that has remained largely unchanged for millions of years. 大西洋马蹄蟹是一种活化石,已经几百万年来基本保持不变。

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