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essay "问责(Accountability)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 08:44:09


Accountability: The Cornerstone of Good Governance

Accountability is a fundamental principle of good governance, ensuring that those in positions of power are held responsible for their actions and decisions. It is a concept that has gained increasing importance in recent years, as citizens and stakeholders demand greater transparency and oversight from their leaders and institutions.

At its core, accountability requires those in authority to answer for their conduct and to justify their decisions. This means that they must be willing to explain their actions, accept criticism, and take responsibility for any mistakes or wrongdoings. Accountability also implies that there are consequences for those who abuse their power or fail to fulfill their duties.

The importance of accountability cannot be overstated. It helps to prevent corruption, ensures that public resources are used efficiently and effectively, and promotes trust in government and other institutions. When leaders and organizations are held accountable, they are more likely to act in the best interests of the people they serve, rather than pursuing their own personal agendas.

Moreover, accountability fosters a culture of transparency and openness, where information is readily available and decision-making processes are clearly articulated. This, in turn, empowers citizens to participate in the political and decision-making processes, holding their leaders and institutions to account.

Achieving true accountability, however, is not always an easy task. It requires a complex system of checks and balances, robust oversight mechanisms, and a willingness on the part of those in power to be held responsible. This can be particularly challenging in contexts where power is concentrated, or where there are entrenched interests that seek to maintain the status quo.

Despite these challenges, the pursuit of accountability remains a critical goal for those who seek to build more just, equitable, and responsive societies. By holding leaders and institutions accountable, we can work towards a future where the public interest is truly served, and where the principles of good governance are firmly established.

English Translation:

问责(Accountability): 良好治理的基石








1. Accountability: 问责制

2. Governance: 治理

3. Responsibility: 责任

4. Oversight: 监督

5. Transparency: 透明度

6. Corruption: 腐败

7. Consequences: 后果

8. Abuse: 滥用

9. Entrenched: 根深蒂固的

10. Equitable: 公平的

11. Responsive: 反应灵敏的

12. Robust: 强大的

13. Empower: 授权

14. Articulate: 清晰阐述

15. Pursue: 追求

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