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essay "价值(value)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 08:45:59


Value: The Cornerstone of Human Existence

Value is a multifaceted concept that lies at the heart of human existence. It is a complex idea that encompasses our beliefs, preferences, and the principles that guide our actions and decisions. Value is not merely a subjective notion but a fundamental aspect of our lived experience, shaping the way we perceive the world and interact with it.

At the most basic level, value refers to the worth or importance we ascribe to something. This can be a material object, a service, an idea, or even a relationship. We constantly make judgments about the value of things, weighing their benefits, costs, and significance to us. These judgments are influenced by a variety of factors, including our personal experiences, cultural norms, and societal expectations.

One of the most significant aspects of value is its role in shaping our priorities and guiding our choices. The values we hold dear often determine the goals we pursue, the actions we take, and the decisions we make. For instance, someone who values environmental sustainability may choose to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, while someone who values financial security may prioritize career advancement and wealth accumulation.

Values can also be divided into different categories, such as moral, ethical, aesthetic, and utilitarian. Moral values, for example, encompass our beliefs about right and wrong, and they often form the foundation of our ethical decision-making. Aesthetic values, on the other hand, relate to our appreciation of beauty and artistic expression. Utilitarian values, in contrast, focus on the practical benefits and usefulness of things.

The concept of value is not static; it is constantly evolving and shifting in response to changes in our personal circumstances, social norms, and cultural contexts. As we grow and develop, our values may change, and we may find ourselves re-evaluating the priorities that once seemed so important to us.

Ultimately, value is a fundamental aspect of the human experience. It shapes our perceptions, guides our actions, and defines our sense of purpose. By understanding and reflecting on the values that are most important to us, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of our existence and strive to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

English Translation:

价值(Value): 人类存在的基石








1. multifaceted (adj.) - having many different aspects or features

2. ascribe (v.) - to regard as belonging to or caused by a specified person or thing

3. weigh (v.) - to consider carefully; to assess

4. significance (n.) - the quality of being important or meaningful

5. priority (n.) - the fact of being regarded as more important

6. aesthetic (adj.) - relating to the appreciation of beauty or good taste

7. utilitarian (adj.) - designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive

8. evolve (v.) - to develop gradually

9. circumstance (n.) - a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action

10. re-evaluate (v.) - to assess or consider again, especially with a view to change

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