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essay "购买(purchase)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 08:42:53


Here is an essay on "Purchase" with 400 words, English translation, and vocabulary:







English Translation:

Purchase has become an indispensable part of our daily life in modern society. From daily necessities to luxury goods, from food to electronic products, we are engaged in various forms of purchasing activities every day. Purchase not only satisfies our basic needs but also becomes a lifestyle and consumption habit.

For most people, purchasing is an exciting thing. When we walk into a store and see a wide variety of products, we will have an inner desire to own them. This desire may come from curiosity about new things or a yearning for a better life. Regardless of the reason, when we finally choose the desired product and complete the transaction, we will feel a sense of satisfaction and achievement.

However, excessive purchasing behavior may also have a negative impact on our lives. Excessive consumption not only causes financial burden but also may lead to environmental pollution and resource waste. Therefore, we need to learn to make purchases rationally, plan our consumption reasonably, and meet our own needs without affecting others and society.

In addition, purchasing behavior also reflects a person's values and lifestyle. Some people prefer to purchase practical products, while others prefer to pursue fashion and individuality. This difference reflects the consumption preferences and lifestyles of different groups.

In summary, purchase has become an indispensable part of modern life. We should learn to make purchases rationally, meet our own needs without affecting others and society. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the values and lifestyles reflected in the purchasing behavior, and strive to pursue a more beautiful and sustainable lifestyle.


1. 购买 (gòu mǎi) - to purchase, to buy

2. 日用品 (rì yòng pǐn) - daily necessities

3. 奢侈品 (shē chǐ pǐn) - luxury goods

4. 消费习惯 (xiāo fèi xí guàn) - consumption habit

5. 内心 (nèi xīn) - inner, heart

6. 冲动 (chōng dòng) - impulse, urge

7. 好奇 (hào qí) - curiosity

8. 向往 (xiàng wǎng) - to yearn for, to aspire to

9. 满足感 (mǎn zú gǎn) - sense of satisfaction

10. 成就感 (chéng jiù gǎn) - sense of achievement

11. 财务负担 (cái wù fù dān) - financial burden

12. 环境污染 (huán jìng wū rǎn) - environmental pollution

13. 资源浪费 (zī yuán làng fèi) - resource waste

14. 理性 (lǐ xìng) - rational

15. 消费偏好 (xiāo fèi piān hào) - consumption preference

16. 生活方式 (shēng huó fāng shì) - lifestyle

17. 可持续 (kě chí xù) - sustainable

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