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时间: 2024-09-21 05:06:21


1. The nurse will administer the medication to the patient at 9am.


2. The teacher will administer the exam to the students tomorrow.


3. It is the responsibility of the government to administer justice fairly.


4. The doctor will administer the vaccine to prevent the spread of the disease.


5. The principal will administer discipline to the students who misbehave.


6. The priest will administer the last rites to the dying man.


7. The company will administer a survey to gather feedback from customers.


8. The government will administer funds to support small businesses.


9. The coach will administer training sessions to the athletes.


10. The veterinarian will administer the necessary shots to the animals.


11. The committee will administer the distribution of funds to charitable organizations.


12. The judge will administer the oath to the witness before they testify in court.


13. The supervisor will administer the performance evaluations for the employees.


14. The dentist will administer anesthesia before performing the procedure.


15. The landlord will administer the maintenance of the rental property.


16. The school nurse will administer first aid to injured students.


17. The prison warden will administer discipline to the inmates.


18. The therapist will administer counseling sessions to the patients.


19. The manager will administer the implementation of new policies in the workplace.


20. The government will administer the distribution of food aid to the needy.


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