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时间: 2024-09-20 08:18:52


1. The company spent millions of dollars on advertising to promote their new product.(这家公司花费了数百万美元的广告费来推广他们的新产品。)

2. Online advertising has become increasingly popular in recent years.(近年来,在线广告越来越受欢迎。)

3. The billboard advertising campaign was highly effective in increasing brand awareness.(广告牌广告宣传活动在提高品牌知名度方面非常有效。)

4. The television advertising spot was scheduled to air during prime time.(电视广告时间段安排在黄金时间。)

5. Native advertising is a form of advertising that blends in with the content of a website or platform.(原生广告是一种与网站或平台内容融合的广告形式。)

6. The advertising agency created a series of print ads to run in magazines and newspapers.(广告公司制作了一系列的印刷广告在杂志和报纸上刊登。)

7. The banner advertising on the website was placed strategically to attract more clicks.(网站上的横幅广告被战略地放置,以吸引更多的点击。)

8. The radio advertising campaign featured a catchy jingle that got stuck in people's heads.(广播广告宣传活动采用了一个引人注目的小调,让人们难以忘怀。)

9. The company used social media advertising to target a younger demographic.(公司使用社交媒体广告来针对更年轻的人群。)

10. The product placement in the movie was a subtle form of advertising.(电影中的产品放置是一种隐蔽的广告形式。)

11. The billboard advertising featured a bold, eye-catching design.(广告牌广告采用了大胆、引人注目的设计。)

12. The company hired a celebrity spokesperson for their advertising campaign.(公司雇用了一位名人代言人来进行广告宣传活动。)

13. The print advertising campaign included full-page ads in magazines and newspapers.(印刷广告宣传活动包括在杂志和报纸上刊登全页广告。)

14. The company used targeted advertising to reach specific demographics and interests.(公司使用定向广告来针对特定的人群和兴趣。)

15. The advertising copy was written in a persuasive tone to encourage consumers to buy the product.(广告文案采用了一种有说服力的语气,鼓励消费者购买产品。)

16. The company sponsored a sports team as part of their advertising strategy.(公司赞助了一支运动队作为他们广告策略的一部分。)

17. The advertising campaign included a series of TV commercials that aired during prime time.(广告宣传活动包括一系列在黄金时间播出的电视广告。)

18. The company used guerrilla advertising tactics to create buzz and generate interest.(公司使用游击式广告策略来制造话题和引起兴趣。)

19. The online advertising campaign included targeted ads on social media platforms.(在线广告宣传活动包括在社交媒体平台上的定向广告。)

20. The company used outdoor advertising such as billboards and bus stop ads to reach a wider audience.(公司使用户外广告,如广告牌和公交车站广告,以吸引更广泛的观众。)

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