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时间: 2024-09-20 10:00:03


1. I prefer to be alone when I need to concentrate on my work.(当我需要专注工作时,我更喜欢独处。)

2. She felt lonely and alone after her best friend moved away.(在她最好的朋友搬走后,她感到孤独和孤单。)

3. It's okay to be alone sometimes, it gives you time to reflect and recharge.(有时独处也是可以的,它给了你时间反思和充电。)

4. He wandered alone in the forest, enjoying the peace and quiet.(他独自漫步在森林中,享受着宁静和安宁。)

5. Despite being surrounded by people, she felt completely alone.(尽管周围有很多人,但她感到完全孤独。)

6. I don't mind being alone, I quite enjoy my own company.(我不介意独自一人,我很享受和自己相处的时候。)

7. The old man lived alone in a small cabin in the mountains.(老人独自一人住在山上的小木屋里。)

8. Even though she was alone, she felt a sense of peace and contentment.(尽管她独自一人,但她感到了平静和满足。)

9. He was alone in his thoughts as he stared out at the ocean.(他凝视着大海,心思万千,独自一人。)

10. She was alone in her decision to pursue a career in art.(她独自决定追求艺术事业。)

11. I prefer to eat alone sometimes, it gives me time to unwind and relax.(我有时候更喜欢独自用餐,这给了我时间放松和休息。)

12. He felt a sense of freedom when he was alone on the open road.(当他独自一人驶向远方时,他感到了自由。)

13. She was alone in her struggle, but she never gave up.(她在奋斗中孤军奋战,但她从未放弃。)

14. The child was left alone in the playground, feeling scared and abandoned.(孩子被独自留在游乐场,感到害怕和被遗弃。)

15. I enjoy spending time alone, it allows me to recharge and relax.(我喜欢独自度过时间,这让我得以充电和放松。)

16. Despite being alone, she felt a sense of belonging in the quiet library.(尽管独自一人,但她在宁静的图书馆里感到归属感。)

17. He was alone in his belief that he could change the world.(他独自相信自己能改变世界。)

18. It's okay to be alone, it's a time for self-reflection and growth.(独自一人也是可以的,这是自我反思和成长的时刻。)

19. She spent the evening alone, reading a good book and enjoying a glass of wine.(她独自度过了一个晚上,读着一本好书,品着一杯葡萄酒。)

20. He enjoyed the solitude of being alone in the mountains, surrounded by nature.(他享受着独自一人在山中的孤独,被大自然包围着。)

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