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时间: 2024-09-21 03:55:41


1. I want to apologize for what I said earlier. (我想为我之前说的话道歉。)

2. He apologized for being late to the meeting. (他为迟到会议道歉。)

3. I apologize if my actions have caused you any inconvenience. (如果我的行为给你带来了不便,我向你道歉。)

4. She apologized to her friend for forgetting her birthday. (她因忘记朋友的生日向她道歉。)

5. The company apologized for the mistake and offered a refund. (公司为错误向客户道歉,并提供了退款。)

6. I apologize for my behavior at the party last night. (我为昨晚在派对上的行为道歉。)

7. He apologized to his parents for failing his exams. (他因考试不及格向父母道歉。)

8. The politician apologized for his offensive remarks. (政治家为自己的冒犯言论道歉。)

9. She apologized to her colleague for misunderstanding her. (她因误解同事向她道歉。)

10. I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may have caused. (我因缺席可能带来的不便向你们道歉。)

11. He apologized to his girlfriend for forgetting their anniversary. (他因忘记纪念日向女朋友道歉。)

12. The company CEO apologized for the product recall. (公司CEO为产品召回向消费者道歉。)

13. I apologize for my mistake and will make sure it doesn't happen again. (我为我的错误道歉,并会确保不再发生。)

14. She apologized to her boss for the error in the report. (她因报告中的错误向老板道歉。)

15. The team captain apologized to his teammates for his behavior on the field. (队长因场上行为向队友道歉。)

16. I want to apologize for any misunderstanding that may have occurred. (我想为可能发生的误会道歉。)

17. He apologized to his neighbor for the noise from the party. (他因派对的噪音向邻居道歉。)

18. The customer service representative apologized for the inconvenience and offered a discount. (客服代表为不便向客户道歉,并提供了折扣。)

19. I apologize for my absence from the meeting. (我因缺席会议向大家道歉。)

20. She apologized to her friend for the misunderstanding. (她因误解向朋友道歉。)

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