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时间: 2024-09-20 08:37:32


1. The enemy launched a surprise attack on our troops.


2. The vicious dog tried to attack the mailman.


3. The cyber attack shut down the company's website.


4. He suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital.


5. The media launched a scathing attack on the politician's character.


6. The army is preparing to launch an air attack on the enemy's base.


7. The hacker attempted to launch a cyber attack on the government's database.


8. The boxer's relentless attack left his opponent dazed and defeated.


9. The company's competitors are constantly trying to attack its market share.


10. The vicious animal attack left several people injured.


11. The army conducted a surprise attack on the enemy's stronghold.


12. The virus attack on the computer network caused significant damage.


13. The politician faced a fierce attack from his opponents during the debate.


14. The pirate ship launched an attack on the merchant vessel.


15. The sudden attack caught the soldiers off guard.


16. The company hired a cybersecurity team to protect against potential cyber attacks.


17. The wild animal attacked the hiker, but he managed to fend it off.


18. The military used drones to launch a precision attack on the terrorist hideout.


19. The company's reputation came under attack after the scandal was exposed.


20. The protestors launched a verbal attack on the government officials during the demonstration.


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