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essay "自主的(Autonomous)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 17:17:44









English Translation:


In the modern world, the concept of autonomy has become increasingly important, both in individual and societal contexts. Autonomy refers to the ability of an individual or entity to make decisions and take actions independently, without external control or coercion. This idea of self-governance and self-determination is a fundamental aspect of human rights and personal freedom.

At the individual level, autonomy is closely linked to the notion of personal agency. It empowers individuals to make choices that align with their values, beliefs, and goals, rather than being dictated by others. This sense of control over one's own life can contribute to a greater sense of self-worth, self-confidence, and overall well-being. Autonomous individuals are better able to navigate the complexities of life, adapt to changing circumstances, and take responsibility for their actions.

Moreover, autonomy is not just about individual freedom; it also has significant implications for societal development and progress. Autonomous societies, where citizens have the freedom to participate in decision-making processes and shape their collective future, are more likely to foster innovation, creativity, and social cohesion. When people feel empowered to contribute to the decision-making that affects their lives, they are more invested in the success and well-being of their community.

However, the pursuit of autonomy is not without its challenges. Individuals and societies may face various constraints, such as cultural norms, institutional structures, or economic factors, that limit their ability to exercise autonomy. Balancing the need for individual autonomy with the responsibilities and obligations of social membership can be a delicate and ongoing process.

Additionally, the concept of autonomy can be complex, as it may intersect with other important values, such as equality, justice, and the common good. Navigating these intersections requires careful consideration and a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue and compromise.

Despite these challenges, the pursuit of autonomy remains a crucial aspect of human development and social progress. By empowering individuals and communities to make their own choices and take ownership of their lives, we can foster a more vibrant, resilient, and equitable society. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, the principle of autonomy will continue to be a guiding light in our collective journey towards a better future.


1. Autonomy: The ability to make decisions and take actions independently, without external control or coercion.

2. Self-governance: The ability to govern oneself or one's own affairs.

3. Self-determination: The ability to make decisions about one's own life and future.

4. Personal agency: The capacity to make choices and take actions that align with one's values and goals.

5. Self-worth: A person's sense of their own value and importance.

6. Self-confidence: A person's belief in their own abilities and qualities.

7. Coercion: The act of compelling someone to do something through the use of force or threats.

8. Societal development: The progress and advancement of a society as a whole.

9. Innovation: The introduction of new ideas, methods, or products.

10. Creativity: The ability to generate new and original ideas or solutions.

11. Social cohesion: The unity and cooperation within a group or community.

12. Constraints: Factors that limit or restrict the ability to act or make choices.

13. Cultural norms: The unwritten rules and expectations that guide behavior within a particular culture.

14. Institutional structures: The systems and organizations that shape and govern societal activities.

15. Equality: The state of being equal, especially in rights, status, and opportunities.

16. Justice: The principle of fairness and the fair treatment of individuals or groups.

17. Common good: The overall well-being and benefit of a community or society as a whole.

18. Constructive dialogue: A discussion that aims to find common ground and reach mutually acceptable solutions.

19. Resilient: Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions or challenges.

20. Equitable: Characterized by fairness and impartiality.

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