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时间: 2024-09-20 13:02:14


Certainly! "Beatify" 可以有两种不同的意思,一种是宗教上的“封圣”,另一种是“美化”或“使愉快”。

1. The Pope will beatify the martyrs who died defending their faith. (教皇将封圣那些为捍卫信仰而牺牲的殉道者。)

2. She felt beatified when she received praise for her hard work. (当她因辛勤工作而受到赞扬时,她感到无比愉悦。)

3. The beatification ceremony drew thousands of faithful followers. (封圣仪式吸引了成千上万的信徒。)

4. They plan to beatify the historic downtown area with new parks and sculptures. (他们计划通过建设新的公园和雕塑来美化历史悠久的市中心地区。)

5. His presence seemed to beatify the room, making everyone feel at peace. (他的出现仿佛让房间变得更加宁静,让每个人都感到安心。)

6. The artist's use of light and color beatifies even the most ordinary scenes. (艺术家运用光线和色彩,使得即使是最普通的场景也变得美丽动人。)

7. The renovations will beatify the old church and bring it back to its former glory. (翻新将使老教堂焕发新生,并恢复其昔日的荣耀。)

8. The company's mission is to beatify urban spaces through sustainable development projects. (公司的使命是通过可持续发展项目来美化城市空间。)

9. The gardeners worked tirelessly to beatify the public park before the festival. (园丁们在节日期间不知疲倦地美化公园。)

10. Their efforts to beatify the neighborhood won them a community beautification award. (他们美化社区的努力使他们赢得了社区美化奖。)

11. The interior designer's goal was to beatify the home while maintaining its historic charm. (室内设计师的目标是在保持历史魅力的同时,美化这个家。)

12. Volunteers planted flowers to beatify the city square for the upcoming celebration. (志愿者们种植花草,为即将到来的庆祝活动美化城市广场。)

13. Her smile had the power to beatify any situation, no matter how difficult. (她的微笑有着使任何情境变得美好的力量,无论多么困难。)

14. The artist's murals have helped beatify the walls of the neglected neighborhood. (艺术家的壁画有助于美化这个被忽视的社区的墙壁。)

15. The local government launched a campaign to beatify public spaces throughout the city. (地方政府发起了一场活动,美化城市各处的公共空间。)


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