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时间: 2024-09-20 13:07:39



1. She decided to befriend her new coworker to make her feel welcome.(她决定和新同事交朋友,让她感到受欢迎。)

2. He sought to befriend the shy girl in his class by inviting her to join their study group.(他试图通过邀请害羞的女孩加入他们的学习小组来和她交朋友。)

3. The dog seemed hesitant at first but eventually allowed the child to befriend it.(这只狗起初显得犹豫,但最终允许这个孩子和它交朋友。)

4. As a diplomat, his job was to befriend foreign dignitaries and foster positive relations.(作为一名外交官,他的工作是和外国贵宾交朋友,促进良好关系。)

5. Sarah decided to befriend her elderly neighbor by offering to help with groceries.(萨拉决定通过提议帮助老邻居买菜来和她交朋友。)

6. The teacher encouraged the students to befriend newcomers to the school.(老师鼓励学生们和新来的同学交朋友。)

7. He managed to befriend the local community by participating in various volunteer activities.(他通过参加各种志愿活动成功和当地社区交朋友。)

8. Despite their initial differences, they eventually managed to befriend each other.(尽管一开始存在差异,但他们最终成功和彼此交朋友。)

9. The charity event provided an opportunity for attendees to befriend others who shared similar interests.(慈善活动为参与者提供了一个机会,让他们和那些有着相似兴趣的人交朋友。)

10. The knight sought to befriend the dragon rather than slay it.(骑士试图和龙交朋友而不是杀死它。)

11. Through her kindness, she was able to befriend even the most reserved individuals.(通过她的善良,她甚至能和那些最守护的人交朋友。)

12. He made an effort to befriend his daughter's new boyfriend to understand him better.(他努力和女儿的新男朋友交朋友,以更好地了解他。)

13. The elderly woman enjoyed sitting in the park, hoping to befriend others who shared her love of gardening.(这位老妇人喜欢坐在公园里,希望能和那些和她一样喜欢园艺的人交朋友。)

14. Despite being from different backgrounds, they managed to befriend each other through their shared passion for music.(尽管背景不同,但他们通过对音乐的共同热爱成功和彼此交朋友。)

15. The organization's mission was to befriend and support isolated elderly individuals in the community.(该组织的使命是和社区中的孤立老年人交朋友并提供支持。)


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