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时间: 2024-09-20 10:13:51


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "contemptuous," along with their Chinese translations:

1. She gave him a contemptuous look when he suggested she was wrong. (当他暗示她错了时,她给了他一个轻蔑的眼神。)

2. His contemptuous tone made everyone uncomfortable. (他轻蔑的语气让每个人都感到不舒服。)

3. The article was filled with contemptuous remarks about the government. (这篇文章充满了对政府的蔑视言论。)

4. Sarah's attitude towards her classmates was often contemptuous. (萨拉对待她的同学的态度常常是轻蔑的。)

5. He made a contemptuous gesture and walked away. (他做了个轻蔑的手势然后走开了。)

6. The judge's contemptuous dismissal of the case shocked the plaintiffs. (法官对案件的蔑视性驳回令原告感到震惊。)

7. His contemptuous disregard for safety regulations led to the accident. (他对安全规定的轻蔑漠视导致了事故的发生。)

8. She gave a contemptuous laugh at his pathetic attempt to impress her. (对他可怜的试图让她印象深刻,她轻蔑地笑了笑。)

9. The politician's contemptuous attitude towards the opposition did not win him any favors. (政客对反对派的轻蔑态度并没有为他赢得好感。)

10. His contemptuous behavior towards the waiter was completely uncalled for. (他对待服务员的轻蔑行为完全没有必要。)

11. The aristocrat's contemptuous view of the lower classes was well-known. (贵族对下层阶级的轻蔑看法是众所周知的。)

12. She eyed him with a contemptuous sneer. (她带着轻蔑的冷笑看着他。)

13. His contemptuous disregard for environmental concerns angered many activists. (他对环境问题的轻蔑漠视激怒了许多活动人士。)

14. The coach's contemptuous criticism of the players demoralized the entire team. (教练对球员的轻蔑批评使整个队伍士气低落。)

15. In a contemptuous manner, he tossed the report aside. (他轻蔑地把报告丢在一旁。)

这些例句展示了"contemptuous" 这个词在不同语境下的使用方式及其中文解释。

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