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时间: 2024-09-20 16:06:01


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "detoxify" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Regular exercise helps your body detoxify by sweating out toxins.

- 经常运动有助于通过出汗排除毒素,使身体解毒。

2. The liver's primary function is to detoxify harmful substances from the blood.

- 肝脏的主要功能是从血液中解毒有害物质。

3. Some herbs are believed to help detoxify the digestive system.

- 一些草药被认为有助于清理消化系统,使其解毒。

4. Drinking plenty of water can help detoxify your kidneys.

- 多喝水有助于清理肾脏,使其解毒。

5. A juice cleanse is often used to detoxify the body of accumulated toxins.

- 经常进行果汁排毒可以帮助身体清除积累的毒素。

6. Certain foods like broccoli and garlic can aid in detoxifying the body naturally.

- 花椰菜和大蒜等某些食物可以自然地帮助身体解毒。

7. The treatment aims to detoxify the patient's system after years of substance abuse.

- 这种治疗旨在帮助瘾君子在多年的药物滥用后清除体内的毒素。

8. Charcoal is used in water filters to detoxify impurities from drinking water.

- 活性炭被用于水过滤器中,从饮用水中解毒杂质。

9. Some people believe fasting can help detoxify both the body and the mind.

- 有些人认为禁食可以帮助身心解毒。

10. Saunas are known for their ability to help the body detoxify through sweating.

- 桑拿浴室以通过出汗帮助身体解毒而闻名。

11. Meditation is said to help detoxify the mind by reducing stress and improving clarity.

- 据说冥想可以通过减少压力和提高清晰度帮助清理头脑。

12. Detoxifying foot baths claim to draw out toxins through the feet's pores.

- 解毒足浴声称可以通过脚部毛孔排出毒素。

13. Massage therapy can stimulate the lymphatic system to help detoxify the body.

- 按摩疗法可以刺激淋巴系统,帮助身体解毒。

14. Adequate sleep is essential for the body to detoxify and repair itself overnight.

- 充足的睡眠对于身体在夜间解毒和修复至关重要。

15. Yoga poses are believed to aid in detoxifying the body by improving circulation.

- 瑜伽姿势被认为可以通过改善循环帮助身体解毒。


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