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时间: 2024-09-20 12:08:28



1. His father's dictum was to always put family first.

- 他父亲的格言是始终把家庭放在第一位。

2. She lived by the dictum that honesty is the best policy.

- 她信奉诚实为上策的格言。

3. The professor's dictum that hard work leads to success inspired the students.

- 教授关于努力工作会带来成功的格言激励了学生们。

4. In business, the dictum "time is money" is often quoted.

- 在商界经常引用“时间就是金钱”的格言。

5. The coach's dictum of "practice makes perfect" motivated the team to train harder.

- 教练的“熟能生巧”的格言激励了球队更加努力地训练。

6. The old dictum states that knowledge is power.

- 古语有云,知识就是力量。

7. His political dictum of "equality for all" resonated with the public.

- 他提出的“人人平等”的政治格言得到了公众的共鸣。

8. The teacher reminded the students of the dictum "never give up."

- 老师提醒学生们要铭记“永不放弃”的格言。

9. One famous dictum suggests that we should treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves.

- 有一句著名的格言建议我们待人如己。

10. The dictum "look before you leap" advises caution in decision-making.

- “三思而后行”的格言告诫我们在做决定时要谨慎。

11. He ignored the dictum of staying calm under pressure and panicked.

- 他无视了在压力下保持冷静的格言,陷入了恐慌。

12. Their family followed the dictum of saving for the future.

- 他们家庭遵循节俭存钱的格言。

13. The dictum that one should always strive for improvement guides his approach to life.

- “求精求善”的格言指导着他对待生活的态度。

14. The ancient dictum about the importance of friendship remains relevant today.

- 关于友谊重要性的古老格言至今仍然适用。

15. The dictum to treat adversity as an opportunity for growth shaped his resilience.

- 把逆境视为成长机会的格言塑造了他的韧性。


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