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时间: 2024-09-20 10:01:22


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "disaggregate" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The data scientist decided to disaggregate the sales figures by region to identify trends. (数据科学家决定按地区拆分销售数据,以识别趋势。)

2. It's important to disaggregate the data into smaller subsets for more detailed analysis. (将数据分解为更小的子集进行更详细的分析非常重要。)

3. The economist disaggregated the unemployment rates to study demographic impacts. (经济学家将失业率分解以研究人口结构的影响。)

4. The report will disaggregate the survey responses based on age groups. (报告将按年龄组分类分解调查反馈。)

5. Researchers often disaggregate data to reveal hidden patterns. (研究人员经常拆分数据以揭示隐藏的模式。)

6. Policy decisions should be informed by disaggregated data to ensure targeted interventions. (政策决策应基于分解数据,以确保有针对性的干预。)

7. The study aims to disaggregate the factors contributing to economic growth. (这项研究旨在分解促进经济增长的因素。)

8. By disaggregating the data, the team could identify outliers more effectively. (通过拆分数据,团队可以更有效地识别异常值。)

9. It's challenging to disaggregate complex societal trends into understandable components. (将复杂的社会趋势分解为可理解的组成部分是具有挑战性的。)

10. The company decided to disaggregate its customer feedback to improve product offerings. (公司决定分解客户反馈,以改进产品提供。)

11. Disaggregating the budget according to departments revealed overspending in certain areas. (按部门分解预算揭示了某些领域的超支情况。)

12. The task force will disaggregate the crime statistics to prioritize law enforcement efforts. (工作组将分解犯罪统计数据以优先考虑执法工作。)

13. Disaggregating the data allows for a more nuanced understanding of market dynamics. (分解数据有助于更细致地理解市场动态。)

14. The research project aims to disaggregate global health indicators by income levels. (这个研究项目旨在按收入水平分解全球健康指标。)

15. The professor used disaggregated data to illustrate regional disparities in educational outcomes. (教授使用分解的数据来说明教育结果中的地区差异。)


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