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时间: 2024-09-21 01:19:35


1. The disjunction between their political beliefs led to a heated argument.


2. The disjunction between the two cultures made communication difficult.


3. There is a disjunction between what he says and what he does.


4. The disjunction of the two groups was evident in their conflicting opinions.


5. The disjunction of the two roads made it difficult to reach the destination.


6. The disjunction in their values caused tension in their relationship.


7. The disjunction between theory and practice is a common problem in education.


8. The disjunction between the company's goals and the employees' expectations led to dissatisfaction.


9. There is a disjunction in the data that needs to be resolved.


10. The disjunction of the family members' schedules made it difficult to plan a reunion.


11. 两国之间的分离导致了长期的紧张局势。

The disjunction between the two countries led to a long-standing tension.

12. 这两个理论之间存在明显的分离。

There is a clear disjunction between these two theories.

13. 这部电影展现了社会阶层之间的分离。

The movie depicts the disjunction between social classes.

14. 这种行为与价值观之间的分离引起了人们的关注。

The disjunction between this behavior and the values has drawn attention.

15. 这两种方法之间的分离导致了不同的结果。

The disjunction between these two methods led to different outcomes.

16. 不同文化之间的分离会导致误解和冲突。

The disjunction between different cultures can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

17. 这两个观点之间的分离使得达成共识变得困难。

The disjunction between these two views makes it difficult to reach a consensus.

18. 这两种思想之间的分离导致了矛盾和混乱。

The disjunction between these two ideologies led to contradictions and confusion.

19. 这两个群体之间的分离导致了社会的分裂。

The disjunction between these two groups led to a division in society.

20. 这两种方法之间的分离需要加以解决。

The disjunction between these two methods needs to be resolved.

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