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时间: 2024-09-21 05:10:48


1. I like to immerse myself in a good book on a rainy day. 我喜欢在下雨的日子里沉浸在一本好书中。

2. She likes to immerse herself in her work and forget about everything else. 她喜欢全身心投入工作,忘记其他一切。

3. The virtual reality game allowed players to immerse themselves in a completely different world. 虚拟现实游戏让玩家沉浸在一个完全不同的世界中。

4. He was able to immerse himself in the local culture during his travels. 他在旅行中能够沉浸在当地的文化中。

5. The artist was able to immerse the audience in the beauty of his paintings. 艺术家能够让观众沉浸在他的画作之美中。

6. She likes to immerse herself in nature by going for long walks in the countryside. 她喜欢通过在乡间漫步来沉浸在大自然中。

7. The new language immersion program allowed students to immerse themselves in the language and culture of a foreign country. 新的语言沉浸项目让学生能够沉浸在外国语言和文化中。

8. The spa offers a sensory deprivation tank where you can immerse yourself in complete darkness and silence. 温泉提供感官剥夺水箱,你可以在完全黑暗和寂静中沉浸自己。

9. He was able to immerse himself in the study of ancient history and archaeology. 他能够沉浸在古代历史和考古学的研究中。

10. The meditation retreat allowed participants to immerse themselves in deep contemplation and self-reflection. 冥想疗养营让参与者能够沉浸在深度冥想和自我反思中。

11. She likes to immerse herself in the music of different cultures. 她喜欢沉浸在不同文化的音乐中。

12. The documentary film allowed viewers to immerse themselves in the lives of the people it portrayed. 这部纪录片让观众能够沉浸在它所描绘的人们的生活中。

13. The novel's vivid descriptions allowed readers to immerse themselves in the story. 小说生动的描写让读者能够沉浸在故事中。

14. The virtual reality experience allowed users to immerse themselves in a fantasy world. 虚拟现实体验让用户能够沉浸在一个幻想世界中。

15. The immersive theater production allowed the audience to immerse themselves in the world of the play. 这部沉浸式剧院作品让观众能够沉浸在剧中的世界中。

16. She likes to immerse herself in the study of different philosophical theories. 她喜欢沉浸在不同哲学理论的研究中。

17. The new art exhibit allowed visitors to immerse themselves in the artist's creative vision. 新的艺术展让游客能够沉浸在艺术家的创意视野中。

18. The immersive video game allowed players to immerse themselves in a virtual world. 沉浸式视频游戏让玩家能够沉浸在虚拟世界中。

19. She likes to immerse herself in the study of astronomy and outer space. 她喜欢沉浸在天文学和外太空的研究中。

20. The immersive sound system allowed the audience to immerse themselves in the music. 沉浸式音响系统让观众能够沉浸在音乐中。

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