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时间: 2024-09-20 08:16:43


1. The company's inertia prevented it from adapting to changing market conditions.


2. The inertia of the heavy train made it difficult to stop in time.


3. Overcoming the inertia of procrastination, she finally started working on her project.


4. The inertia of the political system made it difficult to implement reforms.


5. The inertia of the old habits was hard to break, but she managed to change her lifestyle.


6. The car's inertia carried it forward even after the driver hit the brakes.


7. The inertia of the organization's bureaucracy slowed down decision-making processes.


8. It took a lot of effort to overcome the inertia of the heavy door and push it open.


9. The inertia of tradition often hinders progress and innovation.


10. The inertia of the massive asteroid caused it to continue on its path through space.


11. The inertia of the economy made it difficult to reverse the downward trend.


12. He struggled to overcome the inertia of his own laziness and start working out regularly.


13. The inertia of the political system made it hard for new ideas to gain traction.


14. The inertia of the ship's momentum carried it through the rough waves.


15. The inertia of the old-fashioned mindset hindered progress in the company.


16. Breaking the inertia of a sedentary lifestyle can be challenging, but it's worth it for improved health.


17. The inertia of the heavy ball made it difficult to change its direction.


18. The inertia of the outdated technology slowed down the production process.


19. Overcoming the inertia of fear, he finally took the leap and pursued his dream.


20. The inertia of the status quo made it challenging to implement new policies.


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