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时间: 2024-09-21 14:17:53



1. The room was decorated in a simple and inornate style. (房间装饰简单朴素。)

2. Her dress was elegant yet inornate, with clean lines and no embellishments. (她的衣服优雅但朴素,线条简洁,没有装饰。)

3. The poem's beauty lay in its inornate language and profound meaning. (这首诗之美在于其朴素的语言和深刻的含义。)

4. He preferred inornate furniture that emphasized functionality over decoration. (他更喜欢朴素的家具,强调功能而不是装饰。)

5. The ceremony was conducted in an inornate manner, focusing on solemnity and tradition. (仪式以朴素的方式进行,强调庄严和传统。)

6. The building's facade was intentionally inornate to blend with its historical surroundings. (建筑的外观故意朴素,以与其历史环境融合。)

7. Her speech was direct and inornate, yet it conveyed a powerful message. (她的讲话直截了当,朴素无华,却传达了强有力的信息。)

8. They chose an inornate design for the logo, opting for simplicity and clarity. (他们选择了一个朴素的设计作为标志,选择了简单和清晰。)

9. The painting captured the essence of nature in an inornate but compelling manner. (这幅画用朴素但引人注目的方式捕捉了自然的本质。)

10. Inornate prose can sometimes be more impactful than flowery language. (朴素的散文有时比华丽的语言更有影响力。)

11. The furniture in the room was deliberately inornate to create a minimalist atmosphere. (房间里的家具故意朴素,以营造出简约的氛围。)

12. His inornate appearance belied his wealth and influence in society. (他朴素的外表掩盖了他在社会上的财富和影响力。)

13. The garden was designed in an inornate style, focusing on natural elements. (花园设计朴素,注重自然元素。)

14. The novel's beauty lies in its inornate narrative style and deep emotional resonance. (这部小说之美在于其朴素的叙事风格和深刻的情感共鸣。)

15. The menu featured inornate dishes that highlighted the freshness of the ingredients. (菜单上有朴素的菜肴,突显了食材的新鲜。)


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