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时间: 2024-09-20 09:03:52


1. The constant buzzing of the mosquito irritated me.

2. Her constant complaining about the situation irritated her friends.

3. The scratchy fabric of the sweater irritated my skin.

4. The way he chews his food loudly really irritates me.

5. His arrogant attitude never fails to irritate me.

6. Don't let the small things irritate you.

7. The loud music from the party next door is starting to irritate me.

8. It irritates me when people don't follow the rules.

9. The repetitive nature of the task began to irritate him.

10. Her constant interruptions during the meeting irritated everyone.

11. The sound of the alarm clock always irritates me in the morning.

12. The way he always interrupts me irritates me to no end.

13. The way she constantly taps her foot is starting to irritate me.

14. Her patronizing tone never fails to irritate me.

15. The way he always leaves his dirty dishes in the sink irritates me.

16. The way she always talks over others irritates me.

17. The way he always forgets his keys and asks for help irritates me.

18. The way she always criticizes others irritates me.

19. The way he always arrives late irritates me.

20. The way she always talks loudly on her phone irritates me.


1. 蚊子不断的嗡嗡声让我很烦躁。

2. 她对这种情况不断抱怨让她的朋友很烦。

3. 毛衣的粗糙材质刺激了我的皮肤。

4. 他嘴里嚼东西的声音很大声,真的很烦我。

5. 他自负的态度总是让我很烦。

6. 不要让小事情激怒你。

7. 隔壁派对的响亮音乐开始让我很烦躁。

8. 人们不遵守规则总是让我很烦。

9. 这项任务的重复性质开始让他很烦。

10. 她在会议上不断打断别人让大家都很烦。

11. 闹钟的声音总是让我很烦。

12. 他总是打断我让我很烦。

13. 她不断地敲打脚开始让我很烦。

14. 她总是用高高在上的口吻让我很烦。

15. 他总是把脏盘子留在水槽里让我很烦。

16. 她总是打断别人让我很烦。

17. 他总是忘记带钥匙然后请求帮助让我很烦。

18. 她总是批评别人让我很烦。

19. 他总是迟到让我很烦。

20. 她总是在手机上大声讲话让我很烦。

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