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时间: 2024-09-21 03:01:08


1. The legislature passed a new law to increase funding for public schools.


2. The legislature is responsible for making and passing laws in the state.


3. The legislature debated for hours before reaching a decision on the proposed bill.


4. The state legislature consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.


5. The legislature's decision to raise taxes was met with strong opposition from the public.


6. The governor vetoed the bill, but the legislature overrode his veto and passed it anyway.


7. The legislature is currently considering a proposal to legalize marijuana for recreational use.


8. The state legislature meets once a year to review and update existing laws.


9. The legislature's decision to allocate more funding to healthcare was widely praised.


10. The legislature is the branch of government that is responsible for creating laws.


11. 该国立法机关通过了一项新的反腐败法。

(The country's legislature passed a new anti-corruption law.)

12. 他们将在本周的立法机关会议上讨论这个问题。

(They will discuss the issue at this week's legislature meeting.)

13. 该立法机关已通过了一项法案,以改善公共交通系统。

(The legislature has passed a bill to improve the public transportation system.)

14. 立法机关将决定是否批准这项提案。

(The legislature will decide whether to approve the proposal.)

15. 该州的立法机关已通过了一项新的环保法案。

(The state's legislature has passed a new environmental law.)

16. 立法机关通过了一项法案,提高了最低工资标准。

(The legislature passed a bill to raise the minimum wage.)

17. 这项法案需要立法机关的批准才能生效。

(This bill requires the approval of the legislature to take effect.)

18. 立法机关已通过了一项法案,以加强枪支管制。

(The legislature has passed a bill to strengthen gun control.)

19. 他们将在下周的立法机关会议上讨论税收改革。

(They will discuss tax reform at next week's legislature meeting.)

20. 立法机关的决定对商业界产生了重大影响。

(The legislature's decision has had a significant impact on the business community.)

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