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时间: 2024-09-21 14:18:15



1. She was a luminary in the field of medicine, known for her groundbreaking research.(她是医学界的一位杰出人物,以其开创性的研究而闻名。)

2. The conference attracted many luminaries from the world of technology and innovation.(这次会议吸引了许多科技创新领域的权威人士。)

3. Shakespeare is regarded as a luminary of English literature.(莎士比亚被视为英国文学的一位权威。)

4. He was a luminary whose ideas shaped the course of history.(他是一位思想家,其观念影响了历史的进程。)

5. The concert featured a luminary pianist who gave a memorable performance.(音乐会邀请了一位著名的钢琴家,他的表演令人难忘。)

6. As a luminary in the fashion industry, she set trends with her unique designs.(作为时尚界的一位泰斗,她以其独特的设计引领潮流。)

7. Einstein is considered a luminary in the field of theoretical physics.(爱因斯坦被认为是理论物理学领域的一位泰斗。)

8. The literary luminary's novels continue to inspire generations of readers.(这位文学巨匠的小说继续激励着一代又一代的读者。)

9. She has become a luminary in the world of art, known for her innovative sculptures.(她在艺术界成为一位泰斗,以其创新的雕塑而闻名。)

10. The luminary speaker captivated the audience with his insightful presentation.(这位杰出的发言人以其见解深刻的演讲吸引了观众。)

11. Darwin is widely recognized as a luminary whose theories revolutionized biology.(达尔文被广泛认为是一位开创性的人物,其理论革新了生物学。)

12. She has risen to become a luminary in the business world due to her strategic leadership.(由于她的战略领导,她在商界崭露头角,成为一位泰斗。)

13. The luminary chef crafted a menu that delighted even the most discerning diners.(这位杰出的厨师设计了一份菜单,令最挑剔的食客也感到愉悦。)

14. His contributions to the field of mathematics have established him as a luminary.(他在数学领域的贡献使他成为一位泰斗。)

15. The luminary artist's paintings are exhibited in galleries worldwide.(这位著名艺术家的画作在世界各地的画廊展出。)


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