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时间: 2024-09-21 14:17:05


Certainly! "Mollify" 是一个动词,意思是平息、安抚或减轻某人的愤怒或不满情绪。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The manager tried to mollify the angry customer by offering a full refund. (经理试图通过全额退款来安抚愤怒的顾客。)

2. She spoke gently to mollify her upset child. (她温柔地和她心烦的孩子说话,试图安抚他。)

3. He brought flowers to mollify his girlfriend after their argument. (在争吵后,他带来鲜花安抚女朋友。)

4. The government attempted to mollify public concerns by announcing new safety measures. (政府通过宣布新的安全措施试图平息公众的担忧。)

5. The professor's explanation mollified the students' confusion about the assignment. (教授的解释减轻了学生对作业的困惑。)

6. She offered an apology to mollify her offended colleague. (她道歉以安抚被冒犯的同事。)

7. The CEO's speech was intended to mollify shareholders' fears about the company's future. (CEO的讲话旨在平息股东对公司未来的担忧。)

8. He quickly mollified the tension in the room with a joke. (他通过一个笑话迅速缓解了房间里的紧张气氛。)

9. The mediator worked hard to mollify both sides in the negotiation. (调解员努力平息谈判双方的情绪。)

10. A warm cup of tea can often mollify nerves before a big presentation. (一杯热茶在大型演讲前常常能够缓解紧张情绪。)

11. The teacher mollified the disappointed students by promising extra help after class. (老师答应下课后提供额外帮助,以安抚失望的学生。)

12. He sent a sincere apology letter to mollify his offended neighbor. (他写了一封诚挚的道歉信,安抚被冒犯的邻居。)

13. They offered a generous compensation package to mollify the disgruntled employees. (他们提供了一份慷慨的补偿方案,以安抚不满的员工。)

14. The charity event was organized to mollify criticism of their recent actions. (慈善活动的组织旨在平息对他们最近行动的批评。)

15. The government's efforts to mollify protesters were largely unsuccessful. (政府试图安抚抗议者的努力大部分未能成功。)


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