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时间: 2024-09-21 14:19:00


Certainly! "Nullify" 的意思是使无效或取消。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The court ruled to nullify the contract due to a breach of terms.(法院裁定因违反条款而取消合同。)

2. The referee's decision to nullify the goal was controversial.(裁判取消进球的决定引发了争议。)

3. They attempted to nullify the effects of the new law through legal challenges.(他们试图通过法律挑战来抵消新法律的影响。)

4. The new evidence could potentially nullify the previous verdict.(新证据有可能使之前的判决无效。)

5. The company took steps to nullify the impact of the economic downturn.(公司采取措施来抵消经济衰退的影响。)

6. His attempt to nullify her arguments with logic failed miserably.(他试图用逻辑使她的论点无效的尝试彻底失败了。)

7. The antivirus software can nullify most known threats automatically.(这款防病毒软件可以自动抵消大多数已知的威胁。)

8. Their efforts to nullify each other's advantages led to a stalemate.(他们试图抵消彼此优势的努力导致了僵局。)

9. The cancellation of the event nullified months of preparation.(活动的取消使得数月的准备付诸东流。)

10. His apology was meant to nullify any ill feelings between them.(他的道歉意在化解他们之间的任何不快。)

11. The sudden resignation of the CEO nullified the plans for expansion.(CEO 的突然辞职取消了扩展计划。)

12. The treaty includes a clause that nullifies its own terms under certain conditions.(条约包含一条在特定条件下使自身条款无效的条款。)

13. Attempts to nullify the environmental damage caused by the oil spill were met with skepticism.(试图抵消油污造成的环境破坏的努力遭遇了怀疑。)

14. Legal maneuvers were employed to nullify the impact of the competitor's lawsuit.(采取法律手段来抵消竞争对手诉讼的影响。)

15. The committee decided to nullify the election results due to evidence of fraud.(委员会决定因欺诈证据而取消选举结果。)


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