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时间: 2024-09-21 14:18:56


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "oblivion" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. After the accident, he fell into oblivion and couldn't recall anything about that day. (事故发生后,他陷入了遗忘之中,对那天发生的事情一无所知。)

2. The once-famous author faded into oblivion as newer writers gained popularity. (这位曾经有名的作家随着新一代作家的走红渐渐被人遗忘。)

3. The ancient civilization was lost to oblivion over centuries of neglect and decay. (古代文明因为几个世纪的忽视和衰败逐渐消失。)

4. Despite their fame in their heyday, the band sank into oblivion after their third album flopped. (尽管他们在鼎盛时期很有名,但是第三张专辑失败后,这个乐队就销声匿迹了。)

5. The old traditions were slipping into oblivion as modern practices took their place. (随着现代实践的取代,古老的传统正在逐渐消失。)

6. She feared being consigned to oblivion, forgotten by everyone she knew. (她害怕被人遗忘,被所有认识她的人都忘记。)

7. The ancient artifacts were uncovered from centuries of oblivion beneath the sands. (这些古代文物从数个世纪的沙尘之下被发掘出来。)

8. His contributions to science were almost lost to oblivion until recent rediscovery. (他对科学的贡献差点被人遗忘,直到最近才被重新发现。)

9. The village, tucked away in a remote valley, seemed frozen in oblivion. (那个隐藏在偏远山谷中的村庄,似乎被时间遗忘。)

10. The old castle stood as a monument to times long past, refusing to succumb to oblivion. (这座古老的城堡像一座纪念碑,它不愿沉入遗忘之中。)

11. He drifted through life in a state of oblivion, never fully aware of the world around him. (他在生活中像漂泊,陷入一种恍惚状态,从未完全意识到周围的世界。)

12. The secret document was locked away, its contents consigned to oblivion for decades. (这份秘密文件被锁起来,它的内容被遗忘了数十年。)

13. As time passed, memories of that day began to fade into oblivion. (随着时间流逝,那天的记忆开始淡化,渐渐消失。)

14. His dreams of becoming an astronaut were relegated to oblivion when he failed the physical tests. (当他未能通过体能测试时,他成为宇航员的梦想就被扔进了遗忘之中。)

15. The ancient language had been lost to oblivion until a team of linguists deciphered its last remaining texts. (这种古老语言已经被人遗忘,直到一个语言学家团队解读了它最后的遗存文本。)

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "oblivion" can be used, conveying the idea of being forgotten, lost, or fading away from memory or existence.

上一个 【英语】oblique的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】obsolete的例句




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