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时间: 2024-09-21 14:19:19


1. We must press onward in our journey, despite the challenges we may face. (尽管我们可能会面临挑战,但我们必须在旅途中不断前进。)

2. The army marched onward towards the enemy's territory. (军队向敌方领土继续前进。)

3. After the setback, they continued onward with renewed determination. (在遭遇挫折后,他们以更加坚定的决心继续前行。)

4. The hikers pushed onward, determined to reach the summit before nightfall. (远足者们下定决心在夜幕降临之前到达山顶。)

5. Despite the difficulties, the project moved onward towards completion. (尽管困难重重,项目还是在继续向完成的方向前进。)

6. Onward, the ship sailed through the stormy seas. (船只在风雨交加的海上继续航行。)

7. The company is focused on moving onward and expanding into new markets. (公司专注于不断前进并进军新市场。)

8. The team's spirits remained high as they marched onward towards the championship. (球队士气高昂,他们在向冠军赛前进的过程中保持着高昂的斗志。)

9. Onward they went, undeterred by the obstacles in their path. (他们不畏路上的障碍,继续向前行。)

10. The business continued onward despite the economic downturn. (尽管经济低迷,企业仍在不断前行。)

11. The marathon runners pushed onward, determined to reach the finish line. (马拉松选手们坚定地向前跑,决心要冲过终点线。)

12. Onward with the task at hand, let's not be distracted by other matters. (继续完成手头的任务,不要被其他事情分心。)

13. Despite the setbacks, the team continued onward with unwavering determination. (尽管遇到挫折,团队仍然坚定地继续前行。)

14. Onward they rode, through the rugged terrain, never losing sight of their destination. (他们骑马向前,穿越崎岖的地形,从未迷失目标。)

15. The journey onward may be difficult, but the rewards will be worth it in the end. (前行的旅程可能会困难重重,但最终的回报将是值得的。)

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