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时间: 2024-09-21 14:19:46


Certainly! "Osseous" refers to something related to bone or resembling bone. Here are 15 sentences with their Chinese translations:

1. The archaeologist discovered an osseous fragment among the ruins. (考古学家在废墟中发现了一块骨质碎片。)

2. The osseous structure of the dinosaur skeleton fascinated the scientists. (恐龙骨骼的骨质结构令科学家们着迷。)

3. She had an osseous growth on her elbow that required surgical removal. (她手肘上长了一个需要手术切除的骨质生长。)

4. The artist used osseous motifs in his sculptures, inspired by skeletal forms. (艺术家在雕塑中使用了受骨骼形态启发的骨质图案。)

5. The doctor examined the osseous density of the patient's bones using an X-ray. (医生通过X光检查病人骨骼的骨质密度。)

6. Fossils provide valuable insights into the osseous structure of ancient creatures. (化石为我们提供了对古代生物骨质结构宝贵的洞察。)

7. The museum displayed an impressive collection of osseous remains from prehistoric animals. (博物馆展示了一系列令人印象深刻的史前动物的骨质遗骸。)

8. Researchers studied the osseous development of infants to understand growth patterns. (研究人员研究婴儿的骨质发育以理解生长模式。)

9. The climber's hands showed signs of osseous adaptation to frequent rock climbing. (攀岩者的手显示出对频繁攀岩的骨质适应的迹象。)

10. The ancient burial site yielded osseous relics that shed light on burial customs. (古代的墓地出土了揭示葬礼习俗的骨质遗物。)

11. Medical researchers are exploring osseous regeneration techniques for treating bone injuries. (医学研究人员正在探索治疗骨伤的骨质再生技术。)

12. The textbook provided detailed diagrams of osseous anatomy for students of biology. (这本教科书为生物学学生提供了详细的骨质解剖图解。)

13. The museum curator carefully cataloged the osseous artifacts found at the archaeological site. (博物馆馆长仔细地编目登记了在考古遗址上发现的骨质工艺品。)

14. The doctor explained the patient's osseous condition using a 3D model of the skeletal system. (医生用骨骼系统的3D模型解释了病人的骨质状况。)

15. Paleontologists study the osseous remains of extinct species to reconstruct ancient ecosystems. (古生物学家研究灭绝物种的骨质遗骸以重建古代生态系统。)


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