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时间: 2024-09-21 14:19:32


1. The outward appearance of the building was impressive, but the interior was run-down. (外表)

2. She turned her outward gaze towards the horizon, lost in thought. (外部的)

3. His outward confidence masked his inner insecurities. (外在的)

4. The company focused on its outward image through marketing and branding. (外部的)

5. The outward journey took us through beautiful countryside. (向外的)

6. Despite her outward calm, she was feeling anxious inside. (外在的)

7. The outward signs of success can be deceiving. (外在的)

8. The outward flow of water from the broken pipe was causing a flood. (向外的)

9. His outward enthusiasm for the project was contagious. (外在的)

10. The outward expansion of the city led to the development of new suburbs. (向外的)

11. 建筑物的外表令人印象深刻,但内部却破旧不堪。

12. 她将目光投向了地平线,陷入了沉思之中。

13. 他外表的自信掩盖了内心的不安。

14. 公司通过营销和品牌塑造关注其外部形象。

15. 向外的旅程带领我们穿越了美丽的乡村。

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