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时间: 2024-09-21 14:20:19


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "overact," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. He tends to overact when playing dramatic roles.

- 他在演戏时喜欢夸张表演。

2. The actor was criticized for overacting during the emotional scenes.

- 这位演员因在情感场景中表演过火而受到批评。

3. It's important for actors to find the right balance and not overact.

- 演员们要找到平衡点,不要过度演出。

4. She tends to overact when she's nervous.

- 她一紧张就容易表演过火。

5. The director had to remind him not to overact in the comedy scene.

- 导演不得不提醒他在喜剧场景中不要演得过火。

6. He received praise for his subtle performance, as he didn't overact.

- 他因表演细腻而受到赞扬,没有过度演出。

7. The actress's tendency to overact detracted from the seriousness of the play.

- 这位女演员倾向于过度表演,影响了剧本的严肃性。

8. In a melodrama, actors often have to be careful not to overact the emotional scenes.

- 在情节剧中,演员们常常要小心不要在情感场景中表演过火。

9. The young actor was eager to impress and sometimes tended to overact.

- 这位年轻演员渴望留下深刻印象,有时倾向于过度表演。

10. Overacting can make a character seem unrealistic.

- 过度表演会让角色显得不真实。

11. The director asked him to tone down his performance because he was overacting.

- 导演要求他调整表演,因为他在演出时有过度的倾向。

12. It's easy to overact in a comedy, but timing is everything.

- 在喜剧中很容易过度表演,但节奏感至关重要。

13. The actor's tendency to overact was evident during the intense scenes.

- 这位演员在紧张场景中的过度表演非常明显。

14. Overacting can be a result of nerves or a lack of experience.

- 过度表演可能是紧张或缺乏经验的结果。

15. They need to find a balance so they don't overact the action sequences.

- 他们需要找到平衡,以免在动作场景中过度表演。

上一个 【英语】overwork的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】overdose的例句




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