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时间: 2024-09-21 14:20:13



1. Her heart began to palpitate with fear as she entered the dark room. (她一进入黑暗的房间,心就开始因恐惧而快速跳动。)

2. The excitement of the race caused his heart to palpitate wildly. (比赛的激动使他的心剧烈地跳动。)

3. He felt his heart palpitate as he waited for the exam results. (他等待考试结果时感到心在跳动。)

4. Anxiety made her heart palpitate uncontrollably. (焦虑使她的心无法控制地跳动。)

5. The news of her promotion made her heart palpitate with joy. (她升职的消息使她心怀喜悦。)

6. The sight of blood caused him to palpitate and feel faint. (看到血使他心跳加快,感到头晕。)

7. His heart palpitated with anticipation before the big game. (比赛前他兴奋得心跳加速。)

8. The sudden loud noise caused everyone's hearts to palpitate briefly. (突然的巨大噪音使所有人的心短暂地加速跳动。)

9. She could feel her heart palpitate with nervousness as she stepped onto the stage. (她踏上舞台时能感觉到自己因紧张而心跳加速。)

10. The suspense in the movie made his heart palpitate. (电影中的悬念使他的心跳加速。)

11. The memories of that day still make her heart palpitate. (对那天的回忆仍然让她的心跳加速。)

12. His heart palpitated with relief when he heard his daughter's voice on the phone. (当他听到女儿在电话里的声音时,他松了一口气。)

13. The beauty of the landscape made her heart palpitate with awe. (景色的美丽使她感到敬畏。)

14. The suspenseful novel made his heart palpitate with excitement. (悬疑小说使他兴奋得心跳加速。)

15. Hearing the unexpected news made her heart palpitate with surprise. (听到意外消息使她感到惊讶,心跳加速。)


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