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时间: 2024-09-21 14:17:08


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations for the word "plagiarism":

1. He was expelled from university for plagiarism.

- 他因为剽窃而被学校开除。

2. The author was accused of plagiarism when several passages from another book were found in her novel.

- 当发现她的小说中有几段来自另一本书时,作者被指控剽窃。

3. Plagiarism is a serious offense in academic circles.

- 在学术界,剽窃是一种严重的罪行。

4. The journalist lost his job after it was discovered that he had committed plagiarism in several articles.

- 发现他在几篇文章中抄袭后,那位记者失去了工作。

5. Copying someone else's work without permission is considered plagiarism.

- 未经允许复制他人的作品被视为剽窃。

6. Plagiarism undermines the originality and credibility of academic research.

- 剽窃损害了学术研究的独创性和可信度。

7. She was sued for plagiarism after using someone else's design without attribution.

- 她未经声明就使用了别人的设计,因此被起诉剽窃。

8. Plagiarism can result in legal consequences, such as fines or even imprisonment.

- 剽窃可能导致法律后果,如罚款甚至监禁。

9. Teachers use software to detect plagiarism in student assignments.

- 教师使用软件检测学生作业中的剽窃行为。

10. The company's reputation suffered greatly after accusations of plagiarism surfaced.

- 在剽窃指控曝光后,公司的声誉受到了严重损害。

11. She was disappointed to discover that her colleague had committed plagiarism in their joint project.

- 她发现她的同事在他们的合作项目中剽窃,感到非常失望。

12. Plagiarism is not just unethical but also illegal in many contexts.

- 在许多情况下,剽窃不仅是不道德的,而且是非法的。

13. The student received a failing grade due to plagiarism in his research paper.

- 那位学生因为研究论文中的剽窃而得到不及格分数。

14. Plagiarism can harm relationships and trust among colleagues.

- 剽窃可能损害同事之间的关系和信任。

15. The professor emphasized the importance of avoiding plagiarism in academic writing.

- 教授强调了在学术写作中避免剽窃的重要性。


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