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时间: 2024-09-21 14:20:58


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "reliance" along with their Chinese translations:

1. She placed great reliance on her assistant to manage the project effectively. 她非常依赖她的助理来有效管理这个项目。

2. The company's success was built on a strong reliance on innovative technologies. 公司的成功建立在对创新技术的强大依赖之上。

3. Over-reliance on one supplier can be risky for a business. 过度依赖一个供应商对企业来说可能是有风险的。

4. He showed a surprising reliance on his memory during the exam. 考试期间,他展现出对自己记忆力的惊人依赖。

5. The government is trying to reduce reliance on fossil fuels by promoting renewable energy sources. 政府正通过推广可再生能源来减少对化石燃料的依赖。

6. Her reliance on public transportation became apparent after her car broke down. 在她的车抛锚之后,她对公共交通的依赖变得显而易见。

7. The child's reliance on her parents for emotional support was evident during the difficult time. 在困难时期,孩子对父母情感支持的依赖是显而易见的。

8. A successful athlete must have strong reliance on their training regimen. 一名成功的运动员必须对自己的训练计划有很强的依赖性。

9. The country's economic growth is hindered by its heavy reliance on imports. 这个国家对进口的重度依赖阻碍了经济增长。

10. The team's reliance on teamwork was crucial to their victory. 团队对团队合作的依赖对他们的胜利至关重要。

11. Legal scholars debate the reliance on precedent in shaping court decisions. 法律学者们在讨论在塑造法院决定中对先例的依赖问题。

12. His self-reliance allowed him to survive in the wilderness for weeks. 他的自力更生使他能在荒野中生存数周。

13. The success of the mission hinged on the pilots' reliance on accurate weather forecasts. 任务的成功取决于飞行员对准确天气预报的依赖。

14. As technology advances, our reliance on manual labor decreases. 随着技术的进步,我们对人工劳动的依赖减少了。

15. They had to reduce their reliance on financial aid from their parents as they grew older. 随着年龄增长,他们不得不减少对父母财政援助的依赖。


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