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时间: 2024-09-21 14:16:56


1. She made a remarkable recovery after the surgery. (她在手术后有了显著的恢复。)

2. The new technology has had a remarkable impact on our daily lives. (这项新技术对我们的日常生活产生了显著的影响。)

3. His performance in the game was truly remarkable. (他在比赛中的表现真是令人瞩目。)

4. The artist's remarkable talent was evident in every brushstroke. (艺术家惊人的天赋在每一笔触中都显而易见。)

5. It's remarkable how quickly she learned to speak Mandarin. (她学会讲中文的速度真是令人惊讶。)

6. The team's remarkable win was celebrated by fans all over the world. (球队惊人的胜利受到了全世界球迷的庆祝。)

7. Her ability to remain calm in a crisis is truly remarkable. (她在危机中保持冷静的能力真是令人瞩目。)

8. The remarkable growth of the company has attracted attention from investors. (公司惊人的增长引起了投资者的关注。)

9. The scientist made a remarkable discovery that could change the course of medicine. (科学家做出了一个可能改变医学进程的惊人发现。)

10. The remarkable scenery of the Grand Canyon left us speechless. (大峡谷的惊人景色让我们目瞪口呆。)

11. 她的表现非常显著,得到了老板的赞扬。(Her performance was remarkable and earned praise from the boss.)

12. 这家公司取得了惊人的增长,成为了行业中的佼佼者。(The company achieved remarkable growth and became a leader in the industry.)

13. 这部电影讲述了一段惊人的真实故事。(The movie tells a remarkable true story.)

14. 他的成就令人瞩目,为年轻人树立了榜样。(His achievements are remarkable and set an example for young people.)

15. 这位演员的表演技巧非常出色,给人留下了深刻的印象。(The actor's performance was remarkable, leaving a deep impression.)

16. 这家餐厅的菜肴味道惊人,吸引了许多食客。(The restaurant's dishes are remarkably tasty, attracting many diners.)

17. 这本书提出了一些惊人的观点,引发了广泛的讨论。(The book presents some remarkable viewpoints, sparking extensive discussions.)

18. 这座古城的历史非常悠久,令人印象深刻。(The ancient city has a remarkably long history, leaving a deep impression.)

19. 他的勇气和毅力令人敬佩,是一个非常杰出的人。(His courage and perseverance are admirable, making him a remarkable person.)

20. 这次会议取得了令人瞩目的成果,为未来的发展指明了方向。(The conference achieved remarkable results, pointing the way for future development.)

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