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时间: 2024-09-21 14:20:03


1. The strong smell of the repellent repels mosquitoes. (这种驱虫剂的浓烈气味能够驱赶蚊虫。)

2. The new technology is designed to repel water and dirt. (这项新技术旨在排斥水和污垢。)

3. The bright colors of the flowers are meant to attract bees and repel predators. (花朵的鲜艳颜色吸引蜜蜂,同时排斥捕食者。)

4. The strong defense system is meant to repel any potential threats. (强大的防御系统旨在排斥任何潜在的威胁。)

5. The bitter taste of the medicine helps to repel children from accidentally ingesting it. (药物的苦味有助于防止孩子误食。)

6. The army was able to repel the enemy's attack. (军队成功地击退了敌人的进攻。)

7. The strong odor of the skunk's spray is used to repel predators. (臭鼬的喷雾具有浓烈的气味,用于驱赶捕食者。)

8. The company uses a special coating to repel stains on their clothing. (该公司使用特殊涂层来防止衣物上的污渍。)

9. The repellent spray can effectively repel flies and other insects. (这种驱虫喷雾能有效地驱赶苍蝇和其他昆虫。)

10. The electronic device emits a sound that is meant to repel rodents. (这个电子设备发出的声音旨在驱赶啮齿动物。)

11. The strong gust of wind helped to repel the birds from landing on the roof. (强劲的风阻止了鸟类在屋顶上停留。)

12. The bitter taste of the plant's leaves helps to repel herbivores. (植物叶子的苦味有助于排斥草食动物。)

13. The repellent properties of the substance make it useful for keeping pests away. (这种物质的驱虫特性使其适用于驱除害虫。)

14. The strong magnetic field is used to repel the metal objects. (强大的磁场用来排斥金属物体。)

15. The bright lights are meant to repel intruders from entering the property. (明亮的灯光旨在阻止入侵者进入财产。)

16. The repellent effect of the sound waves keeps the pests away from the crops. (声波的驱虫效果使害虫远离庄稼。)

17. The smell of the food was enough to repel the picky eater. (食物的气味足以让挑食者望而却步。)

18. The security system is designed to repel unauthorized access to the building. (安全系统旨在防止未经授权的人员进入建筑物。)

19. The bitter taste of the fruit is meant to repel animals from eating it. (水果的苦味旨在阻止动物食用。)

20. The strong language used by the speaker seemed to repel the audience rather than engage them. (演讲者使用的强硬措辞似乎更让听众望而却步,而非引起他们的兴趣。)

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