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时间: 2024-09-21 14:18:30



1. "I'm going out with my shortie tonight." (我今晚要和女朋友出去。)

2. "He's been hanging out with his shortie all day." (他整天都和他的女朋友在一起。)

3. "She's my shortie, we've been dating for six months now." (她是我的女朋友,我们已经交往六个月了。)

4. "He introduced me to his shortie at the party." (他在派对上把他的女朋友介绍给了我。)

5. "I haven't seen my shortie in weeks; I miss her." (我好几个星期没见到我女朋友了,我想念她。)

6. "They're such a cute shortie couple." (他们是那么可爱的一对。)

7. "His shortie surprised him with a birthday party." (他的女朋友为他办了个生日派对,让他很惊喜。)

8. "She's my shortie, always there for me." (她是我的女朋友,总是支持我。)

9. "My shortie and I are planning a vacation together." (我和我的女朋友正在计划一次度假。)

10. "He's been texting his shortie all day." (他整天都在给他的女朋友发短信。)

11. "Their shortie relationship is going strong." (他们的恋爱关系发展得很好。)

12. "I need to buy something nice for my shortie's birthday." (我需要为我女朋友的生日买点好东西。)

13. "They're each other's shortie, always together." (他们是彼此的女朋友,总是在一起。)

14. "Her shortie surprised her with flowers." (她的男朋友用鲜花给她一个惊喜。)

15. "I introduced my shortie to my parents last weekend." (我上周末把我的女朋友介绍给了我的父母。)


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