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时间: 2024-09-21 14:20:45



1. She was a well-known socialite, attending all the high-profile events in the city. (她是一位著名的社交名媛,参加城市里所有的重要活动。)

2. The socialite was always surrounded by photographers wherever she went. (这位社交名媛无论走到哪里,总是被摄影师围绕。)

3. He married a wealthy socialite and instantly became part of high society. (他娶了一位富有的社交名媛,立刻成为了上流社会的一员。)

4. The party was filled with socialites from across the country. (这场派对聚集了来自全国各地的社交名媛。)

5. She gained fame as a socialite due to her frequent appearances at charity galas. (由于经常出现在慈善晚宴上,她成为了一位知名的社交名媛。)

6. The magazine featured a profile on the city's most influential socialites. (该杂志刊登了城市里最具影响力的社交名媛的专访。)

7. Being a socialite requires attending numerous events and being seen in the right circles. (成为一名社交名媛需要参加大量的活动,并在正确的圈子里出现。)

8. The socialite's extravagant lifestyle was the subject of much gossip. (这位社交名媛奢华的生活方式成为了众多八卦的话题。)

9. Many aspiring actresses move to Hollywood hoping to become socialites in addition to stars. (许多有抱负的女演员搬到好莱坞,希望不仅成为明星还成为社交名媛。)

10. The socialite's charitable contributions made a significant impact on the community. (这位社交名媛的慈善捐赠对社区产生了重大影响。)

11. She inherited her wealth but worked hard to establish herself as a respected socialite. (她继承了财富,但努力工作,成为一位受人尊敬的社交名媛。)

12. Socialites often influence fashion trends and cultural norms through their public appearances. (社交名媛经常通过公开露面影响时尚趋势和文化规范。)

13. The socialite's marriage to a prominent politician sparked media interest. (这位社交名媛与一位知名政治家的婚姻引发了媒体的兴趣。)

14. He made a documentary about the lives of New York City socialites. (他制作了一部关于纽约社交名媛生活的纪录片。)

15. Socialites often have a busy schedule filled with parties, fundraisers, and networking events. (社交名媛的日程通常都排满了派对、筹款活动和社交网络活动。)


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