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时间: 2024-09-20 10:03:00


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "stratify," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The layers of sediment stratify over millions of years, forming distinct geological records.

- 数百万年间,沉积物逐层堆积,形成明显的地质记录。

2. Social classes often stratify societies based on wealth and privilege.

- 社会阶层常常根据财富和特权来分层次。

3. The lake water tends to stratify in summer, with warmer water staying near the surface.

- 夏季湖水容易分层,温暖的水呈现在水面附近。

4. The company aims to stratify its customer base to better tailor its marketing strategies.

- 公司旨在分层其客户群体,以更好地调整其营销策略。

5. Different layers of society stratify access to healthcare services.

- 社会的不同阶层对医疗服务的获取有所区别。

6. The educational system inadvertently stratifies students based on socioeconomic status.

- 教育体系无意中根据社会经济地位来区分学生。

7. The clouds in the sky began to stratify as the weather changed.

- 天空中的云层随着天气变化开始分层。

8. Inequality can stratify opportunities for success among different demographic groups.

- 不平等可能会在不同人群中分化成功的机会。

9. The organization aims to stratify its workforce to ensure diverse perspectives are represented.

- 该组织旨在分层其员工,确保包容多样的观点。

10. Economic policies sometimes unintentionally stratify wealth distribution.

- 经济政策有时会无意中分层财富分配。

11. The stratified layers of the atmosphere affect weather patterns globally.

- 大气层的分层结构影响全球的天气模式。

12. The data is stratified by age group to analyze consumption patterns.

- 数据按年龄组分层以分析消费模式。

13. Stratify your study time by focusing on different subjects each day.

- 每天专注于不同的学科,分层安排你的学习时间。

14. The electoral system aims to stratify political representation across diverse regions.

- 选举制度旨在在各个不同的地区分层代表政治。

15. The artist used various colors to stratify the painting, creating depth and texture.

- 艺术家使用了各种颜色来分层绘画,创造出深度和质感。


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