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时间: 2024-09-21 14:18:30



1. The use of colors in the painting was symbolical; each shade represented a different emotion. (这幅画中使用的颜色具有象征意义,每一种色调代表着不同的情感。)

2. The ceremony included several symbolical gestures to commemorate their ancestors. (仪式上包括了几个象征性的手势,以纪念他们的祖先。)

3. In many cultures, certain animals hold symbolical meaning related to strength or wisdom. (在许多文化中,某些动物具有象征性的意义,与力量或智慧有关。)

4. The novel's title is not just literal but also symbolical, reflecting the protagonist's journey of self-discovery. (小说的标题不仅仅是字面意义上的,还具有象征意义,反映了主人公的自我发现之旅。)

5. The flag's design was carefully chosen to be symbolical of unity and peace. (旗帜的设计经过精心选择,象征着团结与和平。)

6. Her decision to wear black to the funeral was symbolical of mourning and respect. (她决定穿黑色参加葬礼,这是哀悼和尊重的象征。)

7. The tree was a symbolical representation of growth and renewal in the community. (这棵树象征着社区中的成长和更新。)

8. The architect incorporated elements into the building's façade that were symbolical of the city's industrial history. (建筑师在建筑物的立面上加入了一些象征着城市工业历史的元素。)

9. The exchange of rings during the wedding ceremony is symbolical of the couple's commitment to each other. (婚礼仪式上交换戒指象征着夫妻间的承诺。)

10. The poem uses symbolical language to convey the poet's longing for freedom. (这首诗用象征性的语言表达了诗人对自由的渴望。)

11. The use of different flowers in the bouquet was symbolical of the stages of life. (花束中使用不同的花朵象征着生命的不同阶段。)

12. The artist's choice of materials was symbolical of her environmental activism. (艺术家选择的材料反映了她的环保活动。)

13. The handshake between the leaders was symbolical of the beginning of diplomatic relations. (领导人之间的握手象征着外交关系的开始。)

14. The stained glass window depicted scenes that were symbolical of faith and redemption. (彩色玻璃窗描绘的场景象征着信仰和救赎。)

15. The annual festival includes a procession that is symbolical of the harvest season. (每年的节庆包括象征丰收季节的游行。)


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