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时间: 2024-09-20 11:20:33


Certainly! "Petrifaction" refers to the process of turning organic material into stone or a substance resembling stone. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The petrifaction of the ancient tree stump took millions of years. (古老树桩的石化需要数百万年的时间。)

2. The museum displayed a remarkable collection of petrifactions from different geological eras. (博物馆展示了来自不同地质时代的令人瞩目的石化标本。)

3. The petrifaction of the dinosaur bones preserved them for millions of years. (恐龙骨骼的石化使其保存了数百万年。)

4. Geologists study the process of petrifaction to understand how fossils are formed. (地质学家研究石化过程以了解化石的形成过程。)

5. The petrifaction of the wood made it difficult to distinguish from actual stone. (木材的石化使其难以与真正的石头区分开来。)

6. The petrifaction of the ancient sea creatures left behind intricate stone imprints. (古代海洋生物的石化留下了复杂的石头印记。)

7. The process of petrifaction requires specific conditions such as pressure and mineral-rich water. (石化过程需要特定的条件,如压力和矿物质丰富的水。)

8. The petrifaction of the wooden shipwreck amazed archaeologists with its preservation. (木质沉船的石化保存令考古学家感到惊讶。)

9. Fossils are often the result of petrifaction where organic material is replaced by minerals. (化石往往是石化过程的结果,有机物质被矿物质所取代。)

10. The petrifaction of the ancient forest revealed a pristine ecosystem frozen in time. (古代森林的石化揭示了一个被时间冻结的原始生态系统。)

11. The petrifaction of the bone structure allowed scientists to study the anatomy of extinct species. (骨骼结构的石化使科学家能够研究灭绝物种的解剖学。)

12. The petrifaction of the plant material produced beautifully detailed stone replicas. (植物材料的石化产生了细致的石头复制品。)

13. Over time, the petrifaction of the wooden fence posts turned them into solid stone pillars. (随着时间的推移,木制栅栏柱的石化使它们变成坚固的石柱。)

14. The petrifaction process can occur underground or underwater, depending on environmental conditions. (石化过程可以发生在地下或水下,取决于环境条件。)

15. Paleontologists study the petrifaction of ancient life forms to reconstruct past ecosystems. (古生物学家研究古代生命形式的石化,以重建过去的生态系统。)


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