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时间: 2024-09-20 11:04:54



1. She was a vivacious child, always bubbling with energy and enthusiasm. (她是一个活泼的孩子,总是充满能量和热情。)

2. Despite her age, she remains vivacious and youthful in spirit. (尽管年纪大了,她的精神依然充满活力和青春。)

3. His vivacious personality made him the life of every party. (他活泼的个性使他成为每个聚会的灵魂。)

4. The actress's vivacious charm captivated audiences worldwide. (女演员活泼的魅力迷倒了全球观众。)

5. Even in old age, she retained a vivacious sense of humor. (即使年事已高,她依然保持着活泼的幽默感。)

6. The vivacious colors of the painting brought joy to everyone who saw it. (画作中活泼的色彩让每个看到它的人都感到快乐。)

7. His vivacious approach to problem-solving inspired his colleagues. (他在解决问题时充满活力的方法激励了他的同事们。)

8. The party was dull until she arrived, her vivacious laughter filling the room. (派对在她到来前很乏味,她活泼的笑声填满了整个房间。)

9. She had a vivacious manner that drew people to her effortlessly. (她有一种活泼的举止,让人们不由自主地被她吸引。)

10. The children loved her for her vivacious storytelling. (孩子们喜欢她活泼的讲故事风格。)

11. His vivacious nature extended to his love for adventure. (他活泼的性格延伸到了对冒险的热爱。)

12. Despite setbacks, she remained vivacious and determined to succeed. (尽管遇到挫折,她依然活泼并决心成功。)

13. The vivacious melody of the song lifted everyone's spirits. (歌曲活泼的旋律提升了每个人的情绪。)

14. Her vivacious attitude towards life inspired those around her. (她对生活的活泼态度激励了周围的人。)

15. The vivacious rhythm of the dance filled the hall with energy. (舞蹈的活泼节奏让整个大厅充满了活力。)


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