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时间: 2024-09-21 14:17:39


1. The magician made the rabbit vanish into thin air. (魔术师让兔子消失得无影无踪。)

2. She watched in amazement as the boat seemed to vanish on the horizon. (她惊讶地看着船似乎在地平线上消失了。)

3. The thief vanished into the night before the police arrived. (小偷在警察到达之前消失在了夜色中。)

4. The sun will cause the mist to vanish from the valley. (太阳将使山谷中的雾气消失。)

5. The ice cream seemed to vanish as soon as it was placed in front of the children. (冰淇淋一放在孩子们面前就好像消失了一样。)

6. The car vanished around the corner before I could get a good look at it. (在我看清之前,车子已经消失在了拐角处。)

7. His hopes of winning the race seemed to vanish as he fell behind the other runners. (随着他落后于其他选手,他赢得比赛的希望似乎消失了。)

8. The evidence seemed to have vanished from the crime scene. (证据似乎已经从犯罪现场消失了。)

9. The old building slowly vanished as the wrecking ball demolished it. (随着拆迁球的破坏,这座老建筑慢慢消失了。)

10. The feeling of unease vanished as soon as she saw her friend's familiar face. (一看到朋友熟悉的面孔,不安的感觉就消失了。)

11. His patience had vanished after waiting for hours in the queue. (在队伍中等了几个小时后,他的耐心消失了。)

12. The beautiful sunset seemed to vanish in an instant, leaving the sky dark and empty. (美丽的日落似乎瞬间消失了,天空变得暗淡而空旷。)

13. The company's profits vanished as a result of the economic downturn. (由于经济下滑,公司的利润消失了。)

14. The hope of finding the lost treasure vanished as the search continued without success. (在搜索继续但未获成功的情况下,找到失落的宝藏的希望消失了。)

15. His anger vanished when he realized the misunderstanding. (当他意识到误会时,他的愤怒消失了。)


1. 魔术师让兔子消失得无影无踪。

2. 她惊讶地看着船似乎在地平线上消失了。

3. 小偷在警察到达之前消失在了夜色中。

4. 太阳将使山谷中的雾气消失。

5. 冰淇淋一放在孩子们面前就好像消失了一样。

6. 在我看清之前,车子已经消失在了拐角处。

7. 随着他落后于其他选手,他赢得比赛的希望似乎消失了。

8. 证据似乎已经从犯罪现场消失了。

9. 随着拆迁球的破坏,这座老建筑慢慢消失了。

10. 一看到朋友熟悉的面孔,不安的感觉就消失了。

11. 在队伍中等了几个小时后,他的耐心消失了。

12. 美丽的日落似乎瞬间消失了,天空变得暗淡而空旷。

13. 由于经济下滑,公司的利润消失了。

14. 在搜索继续但未获成功的情况下,找到失落的宝藏的希望消失了。

15. 当他意识到误会时,他的愤怒消失了。

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