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时间: 2024-09-21 14:19:54


1. I decided to volunteer at the local animal shelter to help take care of the animals. (我决定去当志愿者,帮助照顾动物)

2. She has been a volunteer at the hospital for over 10 years, assisting with various tasks. (她在医院当志愿者已经超过10年,协助完成各种任务)

3. Many people volunteered to clean up the park after the community event. (许多人自愿清理社区活动后的公园)

4. He volunteered to coach the youth soccer team in his spare time. (他自愿利用业余时间来指导青年足球队)

5. The organization is looking for volunteers to help with their fundraising event. (该组织正在寻找志愿者来协助他们的筹款活动)

6. As a volunteer, she spends her weekends teaching English to immigrant children. (作为一名志愿者,她用周末时间教移民儿童英语)

7. The volunteers worked tirelessly to distribute food and supplies to the disaster-stricken areas. (志愿者们不辞辛劳地将食物和物资分发到灾区)

8. I plan to volunteer at the local soup kitchen during the holiday season. (我打算在假期季节去当志愿者,帮助当地的施粥所)

9. The volunteer fire department responded quickly to the emergency call. (志愿消防队迅速响应了紧急呼救)

10. She decided to volunteer abroad, helping with conservation efforts in a remote area. (她决定出国做志愿者,帮助遥远地区的保护工作)

11. The organization relies on volunteers to help with their community outreach programs. (该组织依赖志愿者来协助他们的社区外展项目)

12. He felt a sense of fulfillment from volunteering at the homeless shelter. (他从在无家可归者收容所做志愿者中感到了成就感)

13. The volunteers organized a charity event to raise money for the local school. (志愿者们组织了一场慈善活动,为当地学校筹款)

14. The volunteer group planted trees in the park to support environmental conservation efforts. (志愿者团体在公园种树,支持环境保护工作)

15. I've always wanted to volunteer abroad and make a positive impact in communities in need. (我一直想出国做志愿者,在需要帮助的社区产生积极影响)

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