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时间: 2024-09-21 08:05:47


1. Generalization is a cognitive process that allows us to apply knowledge from specific situations to broader contexts.


2. Making a generalization about a group of people based on a few individuals is not fair or accurate.


3. The generalization that all teenagers are rebellious is simply not true.


4. It's important to avoid making sweeping generalizations about entire cultures or ethnic groups.


5. Generalization can lead to stereotypes and prejudice if not carefully considered.


6. The teacher asked the students to avoid generalization and instead focus on specific examples in their essays.


7. He made a generalization about women being bad drivers, which is not only unfair but also untrue.


8. Generalization can be a useful cognitive tool, but it can also lead to oversimplification and misunderstanding.


9. The generalization that all politicians are corrupt is a harmful stereotype.


10. She cautioned against making broad generalizations without considering individual differences.


11. Generalization in this case is not appropriate because each situation is unique and should be treated as such.


12. The generalization that all students are lazy is unfair and ignores the hard work of many dedicated individuals.


13. We need to be cautious about making generalizations based on limited information.


14. Generalization can be a useful shortcut in decision-making, but it can also lead to errors if not used carefully.


15. The generalization that all rich people are greedy is a harmful stereotype that ignores the philanthropy of many wealthy individuals.


16. It's important to recognize when we are making generalizations and to question their validity.


17. The generalization that all immigrants are criminals is not only untrue but also harmful.


18. Generalization can be a useful way to categorize information, but it should be used with caution.


19. She cautioned against making generalizations about a person's character based on their appearance.


20. The generalization that all older people are technologically inept is unfair and ignores the many seniors who are tech-savvy.


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