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时间: 2024-09-20 11:34:47


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese for the word "nostalgia":

1. She felt a deep nostalgia when she visited her childhood home.

- 她回到童年的家时感到了深深的怀旧之情。

2. Listening to old songs always fills him with nostalgia for his college days.

- 听老歌总是让他怀念起大学时代。

3. The sight of her grandmother's old rocking chair brought back waves of nostalgia.

- 看到她祖母的老摇椅让她充满了怀旧之情。

4. His nostalgia for the countryside led him to buy a house in the village where he grew up.

- 他对乡村的怀旧之情促使他在自己长大的村子里买了一栋房子。

5. Nostalgia overwhelmed him as he flipped through his high school yearbook.

- 当他翻阅自己的高中年鉴时,怀旧之情涌上心头。

6. The old photographs filled her with a bittersweet nostalgia for her youth.

- 那些旧照片让她充满了对青春年华的甜蜜怀旧之情。

7. He couldn't help but feel nostalgia for the days when his children were still little.

- 当他的孩子们还小的时候,他情不自禁地怀念起那段日子。

8. The smell of fresh bread baking always triggers a sense of nostalgia in him.

- 烘焙新鲜面包的香味总是让他充满了怀旧之情。

9. Walking through his old neighborhood brought back a flood of nostalgia.

- 走过他的老街坊让他怀旧之情涌上心头。

10. The movie's depiction of small-town life evoked a strong sense of nostalgia in the audience.

- 电影对小城镇生活的描绘引发了观众强烈的怀旧情感。

11. She collected vintage postcards as a way to indulge in nostalgia for the past.

- 她收集老式明信片作为一种沉浸在过去怀旧的方式。

12. Nostalgia for her grandmother's cooking inspired her to learn traditional recipes.

- 怀念祖母的烹饪技艺激励她学习传统食谱。

13. As they cleaned out the attic, they stumbled upon items that sparked nostalgia for their parents' youth.

- 当他们清理阁楼时,偶然发现了一些东西,引发了他们对父母青年时代的怀旧之情。

14. The old train station filled him with nostalgia for the days when he used to travel by train.

- 看到那个旧火车站让他充满了对乘火车旅行日子的怀旧之情。

15. Nostalgia for their college adventures prompted them to plan a reunion with old friends.

- 怀念他们的大学冒险促使他们计划与老朋友们进行一次重聚。


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