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时间: 2024-09-20 14:30:31


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "altimeter," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The pilot checked the altimeter to determine our current altitude. (飞行员检查高度计以确定我们当前的高度。)

2. Hikers rely on altimeters to track their elevation gain during climbs. (徒步者依靠高度计来追踪他们在攀登中的海拔高度。)

3. The altimeter showed a reading of 10,000 feet above sea level. (高度计显示海拔10,000英尺。)

4. An altimeter is essential for accurate navigation in mountainous regions. (高度计对于在山区进行精确导航至关重要。)

5. The spacecraft's altimeter measures altitude relative to Mars' surface. (宇宙飞船的高度计测量相对于火星表面的海拔高度。)

6. During skydiving, the altimeter indicates when to deploy the parachute. (在跳伞过程中,高度计指示何时展开降落伞。)

7. Mountaineers use altimeters to avoid altitude sickness. (登山者使用高度计以避免高山病。)

8. The altimeter reading was crucial for landing the plane safely. (高度计的读数对于安全着陆至关重要。)

9. Weather balloons are equipped with altimeters to monitor atmospheric conditions. (气象气球配备有高度计以监测大气条件。)

10. Astronauts wear altimeters during spacewalks to stay aware of their position relative to the spacecraft. (宇航员在太空行走时佩戴高度计,以了解他们相对于宇宙飞船的位置。)

11. The altimeter malfunctioned during the flight, causing confusion among the crew. (飞行中高度计发生故障,使机组人员感到困惑。)

12. High-altitude climbers calibrate their altimeters for accuracy before beginning their ascent. (高海拔登山者在开始攀登前会校准高度计以确保准确性。)

13. The altimeter's digital display is easy to read even in low-light conditions. (高度计的数字显示在低光条件下也很容易阅读。)

14. Submarines use altimeters to measure their depth below the ocean surface. (潜艇使用高度计测量它们在海洋表面以下的深度。)

15. Aviation regulations require aircraft to be equipped with functioning altimeters at all times. (航空法规要求飞机随时配备有功能正常的高度计。)


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