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时间: 2024-09-21 10:14:52


Sure, here are 15 sentences with the word "conciliatory," each followed by a Chinese explanation:

1. The CEO's conciliatory gesture towards the striking workers helped to defuse tensions. (CEO对罢工工人的和解姿态有助于缓解紧张局势。)

2. After their argument, she offered a conciliatory smile as a peace offering. (吵架后,她以和解的微笑作为和解的象征。)

3. The diplomat's conciliatory approach paved the way for successful negotiations. (外交官的和解方法为成功的谈判铺平了道路。)

4. His conciliatory tone reassured everyone that a compromise was possible. (他的和解语气让每个人都放心,妥协是可能的。)

5. The government issued a conciliatory statement to ease public concerns. (政府发布了一份和解性的声明,以缓解公众的担忧。)

6. Despite their differences, they maintained a conciliatory relationship for the sake of their children. (尽管有分歧,为了孩子们的利益,他们保持了和解的关系。)

7. The opposition leader's conciliatory speech aimed to bridge the gap between conflicting parties. (反对派领袖的和解演讲旨在弥合冲突方之间的鸿沟。)

8. She made a conciliatory gesture by inviting her coworker to lunch. (她通过邀请同事吃午饭做出了和解的姿态。)

9. The judge encouraged a conciliatory approach rather than prolonged litigation. (法官鼓励采取和解的方式,而不是长时间的诉讼。)

10. A conciliatory attitude is essential in resolving family disputes. (在解决家庭纠纷中,和解的态度是至关重要的。)

11. The CEO's conciliatory speech aimed to rebuild trust with shareholders. (CEO的和解演讲旨在重建与股东的信任。)

12. He adopted a conciliatory tone in his email response to address the misunderstanding. (他在电子邮件回复中采用了和解的语气,以解决误会。)

13. The athlete's conciliatory apology after the match won praise for its sincerity. (比赛后,运动员的和解道歉因其真诚而赢得了赞扬。)

14. Their conciliatory efforts resulted in a mutually beneficial agreement. (他们的和解努力导致了一项互惠互利的协议。)

15. The mayor's conciliatory approach to community issues fostered unity and cooperation. (市长在处理社区问题时的和解方法促进了团结与合作。)

上一个 【英语】conceiliate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】irreconcilable的例句




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