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时间: 2024-09-21 02:59:31


Certainly! "Egoism" refers to a focus on one's self-interests to the exclusion or detriment of others. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. His egoism prevents him from considering anyone else's feelings.

- 他的利己主义导致他无法考虑别人的感受。

2. The politician's egoism led to decisions that only benefited himself.

- 政客的利己主义导致了只有他自己受益的决策。

3. In her egoism, she disregarded the needs of her team members.

- 她在利己主义作祟下,忽视了团队成员的需求。

4. Corporate egoism often results in unethical practices to maximize profits.

- 公司的利己主义常常导致为了最大化利润而进行的不道德行为。

5. His egoism blinds him to the consequences of his actions.

- 他的利己主义使他看不到自己行为的后果。

6. The author criticized the protagonist's egoism as a flaw in his character.

- 作者批评了小说主角的利己主义,认为这是他性格中的一个缺点。

7. Egoism in business can lead to cutthroat competition and hostile environments.

- 商业上的利己主义可能导致激烈竞争和敌对环境。

8. Her egoism was evident in her constant self-promotion.

- 她的利己主义表现在她不断的自我宣传中。

9. The policy was driven more by political egoism than genuine concern for the citizens.

- 这项政策更多地受到政治利己主义的驱使,而非对公民真正的关心。

10. Family disputes often arise from egoism and misunderstandings.

- 家庭纠纷常常源于利己主义和误解。

11. His egoism made him incapable of teamwork.

- 他的利己主义使他无法进行团队合作。

12. The company's culture of egoism stifled innovation and collaboration.

- 公司的利己主义文化扼杀了创新和合作。

13. Her egoism prevented her from acknowledging her mistakes.

- 她的利己主义使她无法承认自己的错误。

14. The egoism of the dictator led to widespread suffering among the population.

- 独裁者的利己主义导致了人民的广泛苦难。

15. Overcoming egoism is essential for building strong interpersonal relationships.

- 克服利己主义对于建立良好的人际关系至关重要。


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