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时间: 2024-09-20 22:56:25


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "imperial" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The palace was adorned with imperial regalia and ornate decorations. (宫殿上装饰着帝国的徽章和华丽的装饰。)

2. The emperor's imperial decree commanded the construction of a new temple. (皇帝的诏令命令修建一座新的庙宇。)

3. She wore an imperial gown that shimmered with gold thread. (她穿着一袭镶有金线的皇家长袍。)

4. The imperial army marched through the city, showcasing their might. (帝国军队通过城市,展示他们的力量。)

5. The imperial family celebrated the birth of a new prince. (帝国皇室庆祝新王子的诞生。)

6. The treaty marked the end of the imperial rule in that region. (条约标志着该地区帝国统治的结束。)

7. The imperial palace was a symbol of power and authority. (帝国宫殿是权力和权威的象征。)

8. Scholars studied the imperial edicts to understand historical policies. (学者们研究帝国诏令以了解历史政策。)

9. The imperial court was known for its elaborate ceremonies and protocols. (帝国宫廷以其复杂的仪式和礼节而闻名。)

10. The imperial city was heavily fortified against invasions. (帝国城市在防御侵略方面设有严密防御。)

11. An imperial mandate was issued to improve agricultural productivity. (发布了一道帝国诏令以提高农业生产力。)

12. The imperial navy patrolled the seas to protect trade routes. (帝国海军巡逻海域,保护贸易航线。)

13. The emperor's portrait hung in the imperial council chamber. (皇帝的肖像挂在帝国议会的大厅中。)

14. Citizens revered the imperial family for their benevolent rule. (公民们尊敬帝国皇室因其仁慈的统治。)

15. The imperial system influenced art, architecture, and literature. (帝国制度影响了艺术、建筑和文学。)


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