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时间: 2024-09-21 01:06:51


1. She moved with grace and elegance as she danced across the stage.


2. The swan glided across the water with effortless grace.


3. Despite the difficult circumstances, she handled herself with grace and poise.


4. The old woman's grace and kindness endeared her to everyone in the village.


5. The ballerina performed with grace and precision, captivating the audience with her skill.


6. The queen carried herself with regal grace, commanding the attention of all who were present.


7. He accepted the award with humility and grace, thanking everyone who had supported him.


8. The delicate flower petals fell to the ground with a gentle grace.


9. She handled the difficult situation with grace and composure, never losing her cool.


10. The artist's paintings captured the beauty and grace of nature in every brushstroke.


11. Her grace and charm made her the belle of the ball.


12. With grace and dignity, he accepted the loss and congratulated his opponent on a well-fought match.


13. The swaying branches of the willow tree moved with a graceful rhythm in the wind.


14. Her grace and poise made her the perfect choice for the role of a princess in the play.


15. The old man's grace and wisdom were evident in every word he spoke.


16. The bride walked down the aisle with grace and beauty, captivating everyone in the room.


17. The dancer's movements were filled with grace and fluidity, captivating the audience with her skill.


18. The singer's voice had a haunting grace that captivated everyone who listened.


19. The old woman's grace and kindness endeared her to everyone in the village.


20. The ballerina performed with grace and precision, captivating the audience with her skill.


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